WWF - traduzione in tedesco
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WWF - traduzione in tedesco

WWF (disambiguation); Wwf; The WWF

WWF, World Wildlife Fund, privately supported international conservation organization that is dedicated to protecting the world's wildlife and wildlands
World Wide Fund for Nature         
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  • Yolanda Kakabadse, WWF president from 2010 to 2017
World Wildlife Fund; Worldwide Fund for Nature; World Wildlife; Worldwide fund for nature; WWF-UK; World Wild Fund for Nature; World Wildlife Fund for Animals; World Wide Fund For Nature; Worldwide Fund For Nature; World Wide Fund; Worldwide Fund; World Wildlife Fund For Animals; WWF (conservation organization); World Wildlife Fund US; James Leape; WWF for nature; WWF (wildlife); World Wildlife Foundation; Environmentally Sound: A Select Anthology of Songs Inspired by the Earth; Cities for Forests; World Nature Foundation; Conservation Foundation (New York); The Conservation Foundation (New York); World Wide Fund for Nature International; WWF International; The World Wildlife Fund; Panda.org; WWF-Australia
Weltweiter Naturfonds, internationale Organisation die sich für die Rettung von Tieren und Pflanzen die in Ausrottungsgefahr sind einsetzt


¦ abbreviation
1. World Wide Fund for Nature.
2. World Wrestling Federation.



WWF may refer to:

Esempi di pronuncia per WWF
1. Then WWF would come on.
Love & Addiction _ Jam Alker & Caroline Dehnert Moyer _ Talks at Google
2. This is, again, coming from WWF.
Dankel _ Talks at Google
3. We need Greenpeace to work with WWF.
4. like WWF and Amnesty International and UNICEF,
5. I worked on forestry issues in WWF.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per WWF
1. Die Umweltstiftung WWF warf Island einen Rechtsbruch vor.
2. Die Umweltstiftung WWF will weiter versuchen, den Bären lebend einzufangen.
3. Der Helikopter war von der Umweltstiftung WWF gechartert worden.
4. Umweltorganisationen wie WWF oder Greenpeace haben noch eine andere Befürchtung.
5. Mehrere von ihnen arbeiteten für die Umweltstiftung WWF.